What is the best time of day to take a probiotic?

Probiotics have been steadily gaining more attention as research continues to reveal just how important a healthy gut microbiota is. Your microbiota has an astonishing level of impact on you, including, but not limited to, impacting nutrient absorption, playing a role in immune defenses, and even producing neurotransmitters like serotonin.1 When we consume beneficial bacteria in our foods, or as supplemental probiotics, they can join forces with our intrinsic, or natural, resident microbiota, helping to prevent our gut microbiota from getting out of balance.Read More

Thermogenesis: Breaking down the Fa(c)ts

Left and right, we hear different phrases or terms related to weight management—perhaps the most common term we may hear is “fat-burning.” To some, it may light up the eyes with excitement because it seems like a quick fix to getting rid of excess weight—however, it is not that simple! Fat-burning is a term for the breakdown of fat in our bodies and it can be activated in different ways. Fat oxidation or fat-burning can get activated either through exercise or consumption of certain foods—and can even be activated through the simple act of shivering because you are cold. Using exercise as an example, if you are exercising at a lower intensity, your body may switch on its fat-burning abilities to use as a fuel instead of breaking down sources of carbohydrates as fuel for your body.1Read More

Human Immune Function: Facts and Realities for today, and always

By John Miller
SAB Director, Product Technologist, Researcher

As everyone in the world comes to grips with the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic I thought it would be a good time for us to remind ourselves of how important our immune system is, how much we take it for granted and how much it is dependent upon our ability to provide it with the nutrition it needs to deliver its highest level of protection. This is a message the SAB has been delivering for decades, but it has never been more appropriate than right now.Read More

Supporting your Immune System

By Dr. Diane Clayton,
International V.P. and NeoLife SAB

There is powerful evidence to support the strong role that nutrition plays towards our health. And what in life is more precious to us than our health, and that of our family! We must all do the maximum to build up and protect our health. Together our immune system provides biological, biochemical and even chemical weaponry to keep our body defended and to help it repair and recover from challenges. We need to improve our RESILIENCE as much as we can! Optimum nutrition plays a powerful role here.Read More

Breakfast Skipping Equals Higher Diabetes Risk!

By John Miller
SAB Director, Product Technologist, Researcher

When you wake up in the morning you may have been asleep, but your body wasn’t. While you were catching your much needed ZZZ’s, your body’s systems were hard at work cleaning up the metabolic debris of yesterday and preparing for the challenges of tomorrow. That activity consumes a lot of nutrients and often leaves us in a bit of nutritional debt that may set you up for all sorts of problems, from day-to-day fatigue to a fast track path to chronic disease. Science tells us a simple solution for avoiding this is to refuel each morning…. meaning eat your breakfast!Read More

Antacids Are Not The Answer

Right at this moment, somewhere in the U.S., someone is taking some type of antacid for indigestion. Why? Because this multi-billion dollar industry has convinced consumers that the answer to indigestion is to use their products. But treating only the symptoms of indigestion isn’t the answer. Wouldn’t it be better to tackle the underlying causes of indigestion, and, in addition, support optimal digestion and nutrient absorption?Read More