Slim Down Secret

girl_shakeAccording to studies, the average American adult gains 1-2 pounds per year. This might not seem like much but, from year to year that could add up. Before you know it you’ve gained 15 to 20 lbs and are showing signs of weight related diseases like Type 2 Diabetes.
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Sports Nutrition

What’s a person gotta do for maximum endurance, peak performance, and faster recovery? Invite your friends and family to tune into this next product call to find out!

Whether you’re a competitive athlete looking to fuel your success, or a health conscious person wanting optimal health for an energetic and vibrant future, this is for you.
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Cellular Energy & Health

Leading health authorities agree that the key to preventing chronic disease and promoting health is a combination of weight management, physical activity, and a diet rich in the whole food nutrients found in whole grains, fruits & vegetables, and fish. But if its really that easy, then why is the incidence of chronic disease higher than ever before?!

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We all want it, but what does that mean?

I think too often we see wealth and prosperity glamorized to the point that we start believing it comes easy. TV dramas show rich people relaxing all day in the Hamptons or on a mega yacht or at lavish parties. But what they don’t show are the long days and weekends spent working nonstop, the declined birthday and wedding invitations, and the travel schedules that Read More

6 Tips to a Healthier Workday

Tips from NeoLife Challenge Coach Jessica Trautner

Some of us are lucky enough to have active jobs where we can move around. But the sad truth is that many of us sit at a desk for 8-10 hours a day with little activity and movement. Then we go straight home and sit at the table for dinner or relax on the couch reading or watching tv.

With so much going on in our daily lives it seems tough to squeeze in some exercise or cook a healthy dinner. Luckily we’ve got some tips to stay healthy during the workday!Read More

Get More Energy!

Are you tired of feeling tired? Do you run out of energy before the day is out? According to the National Institutes of Health, USA, approximately one in every five Americans claims to have fatigue that is severe enough to interfere with daily normal life.

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Think Inside the Box

boxing2Tips from NeoLife Fitness Coach Kendra Brassfield

Boxing is a sport that’s had a big time rise in popularity in the last couple years. Fitness lovers are flocking to reasonably priced boxing gyms, loving the high-intensity cardio and sleek muscle-sculpting routines. And better yet, it can be done from anywhere!Read More

Listen To Your Gut

gut_healthThe popular phrase “listen to your gut” can apply to much more than intuition. Our gut health is actually connected to functions in the body like our immune and nervous systems, hormones, mood, weight, brain, energy, and heart. It decides which nutrients are absorbed and what toxins are eliminated. Read More