According to the American Heart Association, nearly 1 in 3 children in America is overweight or obese. The truth is that the prevalence of obesity in children has more than tripled since 1971, leaving us with a major problem to contend with. This major concern is with good reason because childhood obesity is now the No. 1 health concern among parents in the United States. This nationwide problem has even surpassed drug abuse and smoking.

What can we do as parents? Despite all the focus on kids being overweight and obese, many parents are still confused, especially when it comes to what kids eat. Parents often find themselves questions like; “How much nutrition does my child need? Is my child getting enough calcium? Enough iron? Too much fat?”

Whether you have a toddler, child or a teen, nutrition is important to his or her physical and mental development. The truth is that we do the best we can as parents and just never know where to go or who to trust with answers on this important topic. Dial in to hear information on key Neolife Nutritionals and learn about key practices that could make the world of difference to any child at any age!