Drop a Size in 30 Days

“Spring is here and I have “sprung” my 10 lbs† in the 30-Day Be Your Best Challenge! I am so excited because not only do I have MORE energy, my clothes size has gone from a Large to Medium! I was on the Breakfast Pack, ate a healthy diet and went to the gym 3 times a week!Read More

This is Why We Love the Breakfast Pack

Rachel Ogg
Lost 26 lbs. on Breakfast Pack

“I struggled with my weight my entire life. Growing up, it took a huge emotional toll on my self-esteem and my social life. I never thought I could change. I never asked for help. I blamed my weight on my genetics. I realized I couldn’t go on like this when I started having health problems and hit my highest weight. I had to do something. But diets were quick fixes and only made me want to eat more. I hated exercising and avoided it at all costs.Read More