Fit Couple Prove Nothing Compares to NeoLife

nicole_donnie_bernatowiczThese inspiring 90-Day Challenge winners share their results using the Vitality Pack!

“Given our professions of being a Family Medicine physician and a Fitness Trainer, we are always looking for ways to boost overall health. I started a boot camp 3 years ago, as my wife was completing her Family Medicine residency program.  It has now grown to over 60 folks.  Since the beginning we have preached about writing down realistic short-term goals.  In our combined experience of over 20 years, we consistently have seen better results with those who wrote down their goals and had the added accountability of a date or planned event.  With that being said, we think that modeling something you believe in is the best way to lead.  Our hope is to encourage all of our fitness family through the Be Your Best Challenge.Read More