Resolutions- What you need to know for success!

kb_resolution_imgThis morning I went to the gym, as I do most mornings before work, expecting to enter the chaos that typically follows the celebration of each New Year and the resolutions we so often feel inspired to make.

To my surprise the gym was a ghost town, even deserted by the regular crowd usually spotted at this time of morning.

So why is this happening? The answer is simple: people aren’t sticking to their resolutions! But that’s only to be expected when we arbitrarily throw up statements like “I’m going to lose weight” or “I’m going to eat healthier” and then don’t follow through with how we are going to get there. By not taking the proper steps for success we are setting ourselves up for failure.

So what does it take to succeed with our New Year’s resolutions?Read More

The Skinny on Condiments

condimentsCondiments add flavor to any meal. Many of us can’t imagine our favorite sandwich without mayonnaise or salad without creamy dressing, however, they tend to be loaded with sugar and high in fat. The truth is condiments can quickly turn any healthy meal into a bad one. Condiments are only intended to enhance a meal not be the main attraction.

If you can’t cut these condiments out completely, use them sparingly or try substituting for a healthier alternative. Instead of slathering condiments on your food, drizzle some on a side dish. This will help you be aware of just how much you are adding to your meal. Don’t let condiments hold you back from your weight loss or fitness goals.Read More

Get Energy Without The Risk

neolife_tea_glassEver reached out for one of those seemingly ubiquitous energy drinks? There are dozens of them out there, and they seem to have become a staple especially with college students and clubbers. Sales of Energy Drinks skyrocketed to $9.7 Billion in the United States this year according to Symphony IRI data compiled by Bloomberg. Children and adults under 25 years provide most of that revenue. But consider this: in addition to the empty calories (some with over 50g of sugar!), many of them have caffeine and stimulant ingredients such as guarana, glucoronolactone and L- phenylalanine at dangerously high levels– often time combined in one product. Read More


kendra brassfield photoGet Started with Kendra Brassfield

Get into shape with NeoLife Club Marketing Executive & Certified Personal Trainer, Kendra Brassfield. Kendra will share her fitness tips and workout routines with you on the blog!

“Discipline determines destiny.” Three words that carry a lot of weight and truth in all aspects of a person’s life, including fitness.

It is important to develop discipline around your fitness routine especially when it comes to consistency. Our muscles go through cycles of break down and repair which make it important to be physically active on a regular basis. With that said, it’s also important to HAVE FUN!!

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