The 7 Biggest Challenges to Your Heart Health

By John Miller
SAB Director, Product Technologist, Researcher

The 7 biggest challenges to your heart health and what you can, or can’t, do about them.

When I heard that my requested topic for this first NeoLife Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) blog of 2023 was “Heart Health” I was excited. But then I realized the scope of the challenge… say something meaningful in a brief blog. Tough, especially considering the SAB and NeoLife have published important, leading edge, science-backed articles on heart health for decades, often well before mainstream science and medicine got on board.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) there are seven primary causes of heart disease.1 Three we can do little about; age, gender, and family history (genetics). Three are purely lifestyle that we could do something about: smoking, lack of physical activity, stress.

But the big one, the 7th, that is consistent across all of that is UNHEALTHY DIET. It is even implicated in other “causes” of heart disease, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, obesity and type-2 diabetes: all diet driven risk factors.1Read More

Growing At Your Best With Omega-3

As a new parent, making sure your newborn is getting the right nutrition is bound to be a priority—and that’s normal! Proper early stage nutrition is key to establishing a healthful pathway for your child. Omega-3s are essential for so many aspects of early growth and development, particularly for the brain, the eyes and the cardiovascular system where omega-3s are really concentrated.1 It is important that pregnant and breastfeeding mothers are consuming adequate amounts to help provide the most benefits to their newborn.Read More

O-Mega Fun: Omega-3 101

omega_3_2Whether you have seen the word ‘Omega-3’ at the grocery store or read about it in an article (such as this one!), this word may not be new to you. These fats are often referred to as PUFA’s and considered to be “good fats” with an array of health benefits and we are constantly reminded that they are good for our health. But what exactly are these fats and how do they contribute to our health?

Omega-3 is the word given to a whole family of essential fats or “fatty acids” which serve important roles in our body. The parent omega-3 is called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is an essential fatty acid for humans meaning that we need to get it from our diet since we cannot make it in our bodies. If you can picture it, from the smallest level of a cell in our body, omega-3s are embedded in the cell membranes, outside and inside the cell, being particularly rich in the cells of our brain, eyes, and heart.1 These fats play a structural role in our membranes and are used to provide important signal substances that balance and regulate our immune system. This in turn helps to ensure that our bodies inflammatory response remains controlled.1,2 Simply said omega-3s are absolutely vital to the structure and working of our bodies.Read More

New Evidence: Omega-3s Support Brain Health Function

salmonJohn Miller, Scientific Advisory Board Director points to new scientific evidence on 3 specific omega-3s found in NeoLife Salmon Oil Plus. 

It is well known that the NeoLife Scientific Advisory Board delivers leading edge science and product formulations long before mainstream science or other product manufacturers. It’s a fact! Once again that fact is showcased in leading edge research. This time it comes from the 11 May 2017 edition of the peer-reviewed journal Nutritional Neuroscience. That article points to the importance of three specific omega-3 fatty acids to brain health and function; ALA – alpha-linolenic acid, SDA – stearidonic acid and ETE – eicosatrienoic acid (also known as ETA(3)).Read More