Eric Danzeisen

90-Day Weight Loss Challenge Winner
Eric Danzeisen

1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?

I casually started the Vitality Pack and NeoLifeShake basically to keep my wife from bugging me too much back in July 2016. I immediately noticed I wasn’t nearly as hungry in the mornings and I was getting more energy somehow. Later that month I switched to the Weight Loss Pack and started to drop some weight. I thought the Challenge would keep me motivated and accountable to meet my goals.Read More

30 Pounds Down and 27 Minutes Faster

Men’s 90-Day Fitness Challenge Winner
Daniel Aguirre

1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?
Before I began the Challenge, before even NeoLife, I was always tired, unmotivated and didn’t care too much about my health. But after I accepted the challenge, I began to be more inspired and encouraged to take care of my health. After the first week, I slowly began to feel a difference in my energy and there was more pep to my step. Then as I continued the Weight Loss Challenge, I began losing weight.Read More

Men’s Weight Loss Challenge Champion – Lost 120 pounds!

2016 Men’s Weight Loss Challenge Champion
Chris Lott
Lost 120 pounds in 10 months

“I used to wake up and still feel just as tired as I did before I went too sleep. Small physical activities drained me to the point that I lost interest in leaving the house because of the amount of effort it took. I was feeling sad occasionally, boring and antisocial. I knew I didn’t want to live the rest of my life this way so I joined the Challenge and got on the Weight Loss Pack to take control of my health.Read More

Chris Drops 120 Pounds and Wins Big

90-Day Weight Loss Challenge Winner
Chris Lott
Lost 120 lbs. in 10 months

1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?
I use to wake up and still feel just as tired as I did before I went too sleep. Small physical activities drained me to the point that I lost interest in leaving the house because of the amount of effort it took. I knew I didn’t want to live the rest of my life this way so I joined the Challenge to take control of my health. I had struggled with my weight since I was in middle school. Along the way I have tried several different weight loss plans but little to no success. I wanted to prove to myself that I could set a goal and accomplish it.Read More

Brittany Chewning’s Weight Loss Success

90-Day Weight Loss Challenge Winner
Brittany Chewning

Dropped 25 lbs. and 4 Pant Sizes!

1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?
I went to a shake party and was instantly hooked on NeoLife! I learned about the Challenge there and knew I had to enter. My motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge was to prove to myself that I can accomplish my long-time goal of losing weight. I had tried losing the weight multiple times using different diets and programs and nothing worked.Read More