Feeling Healthier at 43


Dropped 18 lbs.

“I lost 18 lbs.† and hit my target BMI of 25 using the Breakfast Pack! The 3 Day Detox was a satisfying, quick and safe kick start on my weight loss journey. I’m more physically active and love having my NeoLifeShake and Pro Vitality each morning. I’m so grateful for healthy snack choices like NeoLifeBar and love drinking NeoLifeTea for an extra boost of energy. I’m supper happy with my results! At 43, I feel healthier than I’ve ever been. Thank you NeoLife!”Read More

This is Why We Love the Breakfast Pack

Rachel Ogg
Lost 26 lbs. on Breakfast Pack

“I struggled with my weight my entire life. Growing up, it took a huge emotional toll on my self-esteem and my social life. I never thought I could change. I never asked for help. I blamed my weight on my genetics. I realized I couldn’t go on like this when I started having health problems and hit my highest weight. I had to do something. But diets were quick fixes and only made me want to eat more. I hated exercising and avoided it at all costs.Read More

Eat Up! Why Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of Day

mother_kitchenTurns out the popular phrase, ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ isn’t a myth after all. So eat up, your day depends on it!

But don’t take our word for it. Take a look at the stats below:

Daily breakfast eaters are…
» 34% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes
» 40% less likely to develop fat around the belly than those who don’tRead More

Cut Calories with 1 Simple Trick

Portrait of young happy smiling woman eating saladSuper-sized portions are everywhere – at restaurants, schools and in the grocery store aisles. This trend has certainly distorted the way most Americans view “normal” portions and contributed to the obesity epidemic (over two-thirds of the adult population in the U.S. is overweight or obese. scary, right?).

So whether your goal is to lose weight or simply to maintain, it’s important to control portion size and the calories you consume. In a recent study, researchers found a simple way to do just that.Read More

Rise & Shine

rise_shineEver heard the term ‘they woke up on the wrong side of the bed’?

The way our morning starts can have a surprisingly big impact on our attitude and feelings the rest of the day. Make it a point to be one of those people that woke up on the right side of the bed and start your morning with this workout that can brighten your day!Read More

Thanksgiving Swaps!

thanksgiving_swaps_tnWith the holiday season around the corner, there’s no better time to start changing the way you think about food. With a little creativity and this handy guide, you can reinvent traditional holiday fare for a healthier you.Read More

Resolutions- What you need to know for success!

kb_resolution_imgThis morning I went to the gym, as I do most mornings before work, expecting to enter the chaos that typically follows the celebration of each New Year and the resolutions we so often feel inspired to make.

To my surprise the gym was a ghost town, even deserted by the regular crowd usually spotted at this time of morning.

So why is this happening? The answer is simple: people aren’t sticking to their resolutions! But that’s only to be expected when we arbitrarily throw up statements like “I’m going to lose weight” or “I’m going to eat healthier” and then don’t follow through with how we are going to get there. By not taking the proper steps for success we are setting ourselves up for failure.

So what does it take to succeed with our New Year’s resolutions?Read More

Warren Gouws: From Intention to Action

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA90 Day Be Your Best Fitness Challenge Winner!

Finally sticking to a get-fit plan was one thing. Letting the momentum seep into other aspects of life was the next.

“Last summer’s clothes didn’t fit as nicely this summer,” admits Warren Gouws. He was ready to do something about getting into better shape. So when his friend invited him to register for the New England Tough Mudder, a 12-mile obstacle course, Warren figured that was just the motivation he needed.

Still, days would go by, even weeks sometimes, when Warren didn’t work out. “I kept telling myself I wasn’t in such bad shape and that I could easily start working out next week,” Warren says.Read More

The Mirabellos: Teaming Up To Get Healthy

mirabellos190 Day Be Your Best Weight Loss Challenge Winners!

The night Anthony and Zereen Mirabello each won the 90 Day BE YOUR BEST Weight Loss Challenge, Anthony wasn’t even at home to hear it happen live. When Zereen called and told him they had won, he asked, “What do you mean, ‘We won?’” not realizing that the challenge had one category for men and another for women.

“I didn’t think there was any way either of us would win, much less both of us!” he laughs.

It’s pretty fitting for the Mirabellos to have won on the same night because the healthy lifestyle they’ve developed, they’ve developed together. It started with Zereen when she started walking every day with her friend. They would motivate each other and talk about health and nutrition as they exercised.Read More

Write It To Achieve It

Setting goals are vital to seeing the results we desire. Instead of juggling them in your head, try jotting them down. At NeoLife, we believe, “written goals have a way of transforming wishes into wants; cant’s into cans; dreams into plans; and plans into reality. Don’t just think it – ink it!” So, go ahead, try writing down your goals and use our 4 steps to help you achieve them!
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