Prebiotics: What You Should know

Written by Dr. Masís

In a previous blog about probiotics, we discussed the top things you need to do about these special microbes (or tiny forms of life such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi) that thrive in different parts of your body, particularly in your gut! To recap, probiotics are microbes that help support your intestinal microbial ecosystem and balance.1 So now that you know a little bit more about probiotics, you have no doubt also become aware of the term prebiotic and are probably thinking—yes there’s more to know than just probiotics! Prebiotics do differ from probiotics in many ways. Think of prebiotics as a fuel source for the beneficial bacteria in your gut.Read More

NeoLife Resp-X Ingredients: Synergistic Blend of 10 Powerful Herbs

Resp-X is developed by world-class scientists and master herbalists. It delivers a synergistic blend of ten powerful herbs that have a long history of safe and effective use, without the side effects associated with chemical drugs. This powerful blend combines ancient herbal knowledge and leading edge science to support free, comfortable breathing and upper respiratory function of the nose mouth and throat. Guaranteed to be pure, potent, and consistent.Read More

Growing At Your Best With Omega-3

As a new parent, making sure your newborn is getting the right nutrition is bound to be a priority—and that’s normal! Proper early stage nutrition is key to establishing a healthful pathway for your child. Omega-3s are essential for so many aspects of early growth and development, particularly for the brain, the eyes and the cardiovascular system where omega-3s are really concentrated.1 It is important that pregnant and breastfeeding mothers are consuming adequate amounts to help provide the most benefits to their newborn.Read More

Vitamin D – The Universal Vitamin?

Or why are there so many researchers studying the sunshine vitamin?

Written by Dr. Shepherd

Over the last decades there have been over 400 articles reporting on research projects devoted to Vitamin D. Why such a number of research projects? It would appear from the list of reports that Vitamin D is being shown to be required for many other functions in the human body than was traditionally known. Why do we need Vitamin D and what are the consequences of its deficiency? To refresh our memories there are several reviews which describe why we need Vitamin D and its sources and the results of its deficiencies. Read More

Your Resident Microbes: Friends or Enemies?

Written by Dr. Diane E. Clayton
Believe it or not the average human contains 10 times more microbial cells than human cells. In fact our microbiome or our microbial “ecosystem” together with our DNA is what makes each of us unique. The only time we are microbe-free is during the 9 months we spend in the womb. During birth, after birth and during the first few years of life our resident microbes (comprising not just bacteria, but also viruses, fungi and protozoa) establish themselves in and on our body as a balanced and stable community helping us grow and develop into healthy adults. Exactly how our resident microbes become established is determined both by our genetics and the environment we live in. So, when all goes well, we live in harmony with a stable community of microbes which confer upon us numerous health benefits.Read More

3 Things You Need to Know About Probiotics

Bacteria—a term that often has a negative connotation. But there are good bacteria and bad bacteria and one of their happy homes include a place most don’t often think about—your gut! Your gut consists of your gastrointestinal tract and includes the organs starting from your mouth to your stomach, small and large intestines, and colon. Read More

How Magnesium Can Super-Power Your Workouts

super_power_workoutsFor both competitive and recreational athletes, this mineral plays a critical role in physical performance. Magnesium plays a vital role in cellular reactions that release energy from carbohydrates and fats; it also plays a direct role in proper muscle contraction which is of particular importance during strength training and endurance activity.Read More

Detox: What Is It And Why Is It Important?

Written by: John Miller, SAB Director

The NeoLife 3-Day Detox is a simple, easy and effective way to reset one of the most important aspects of your metabolism, the processes of elimination. The old adage “you are what you eat” has never been truer than it is at this very moment (nor more meaningful) for anyone embarking on a new journey toward optimal health, wellness and vitality.Read More

Why this Mom Uses Golden Home Care

home_care_photoSuper 10 is in all our washrooms, laundry room, kitchen, garage and cars. It’s powerful enough for those tough jobs but safe enough for my boys to help with the chores. One of my favorite things that it does is eliminate odor! With two boys, a large dog and a cat it works wonders to remove spots and odor.Read More

Sleep More, Crave Less

bed_pillowsNew science continues to demonstrate the importance of a restful, good night’s sleep to maintaining normal weight and metabolism. During the last decade, research efforts have continued to shed light on the established association between sleep quality and obesity.1 It appears that sleep deprivation alters various aspects of the hormonal control of metabolism. Read More

6 Factors That Affect Absorption of Vitamins & Minerals

vitamins_minerals_absorptionJust imagine you are consuming a colorful plate of food containing vegetables, a protein source, grains or dairy –it looks good, but also forms a delicious matrix of nutrients ready to be taken in by your body. Though there is an abundance and variety of amazing food in the world, there are some factors that may impact how well our body uses the foods that we eat—specifically, there are some food factors that may improve absorption of nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, and there are some that may hinder absorption of nutrients. Read More