Mighty Muscle and Magnesium

mighty_muscle_magnesiumYour body systems consist of bones, organs, tissues, trillions of cells (both yours and microbial cells) and of course muscles—you name it! Each plays a unique role in how our body functions. Our muscles work in different ways and although it seems simple to raise your legs or flex your arms, the mechanics of these bodily processes can be complex and are heavily dependent on foods as an energy or fuel source and the quality of the nutrients that foods contain! Many minerals play a key role in regulating our bodily processes, such as the act of muscle contraction and relaxation. The major minerals of muscle contraction and relaxation are sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Magnesium is a mineral that plays a role in over 700 reactions within our body.1 Magnesium is essential from head to toe, being particularly important for energy production and for regulating the muscular, skeletal, and cardiovascular systems and immune and hormonal function.1 Our muscles are in fact very rich in magnesium—a massive 25 to 30% of total body magnesium is in the muscle (and around 50 to 60% is stored in the bone).1 With this in mind, think about the muscles in your body. There are skeletal muscles visible in your arms and legs as they are attached to bones, but there are two other muscle types—smooth muscle within internal organs, and then cardiac muscle is found within the walls of the heart.2 With over 600 muscles in the body,2 you can imagine the large role that magnesium has in our muscular system.Read More

Support Immune Strength All Year

Are you tired of being sick and tired? The CDC estimates that each year in the United States, 20% of the population gets the flu, and more than 200,000 Americans are hospitalized from seasonal flu-related complications. So many people make a mad dash to the drugstore every day to combat a cold, but why wait to act until it’s too late?Read More

Detox the Healthy Way

How many times have you heard someone say, “I’m doing a detox” or “I need to detox my body?” Especially over the past few years, the word detox appears to have become a hip buzzword, or something you’re supposed to do, because it’s cool.

With so many different detoxes out there, trying to keep up with half the trend seems more tiring than practically doing something about it! So if you’re not sure where to even begin with this word, or what it means–we get it!Read More

Corinne Dignum

90-Day Fitness Challenge Winner
Corinne Dignum

1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?
I first learned about NeoLife through a Neighbor who had invited my mother to a Shake Party and made me come for support. I was then motivated by NeoLife to look at myself and see where I could improve in my health to be my best. Now that my kids are getting older, I started to notice I was gaining weight around my mid section and I want to take better care of myself. I also wanted to engage my NeoLife business so by experiencing the Challenge first hand, I could tell others about it and motivate them to do the same.Read More

This is Why We Love the Breakfast Pack

Rachel Ogg
Lost 26 lbs. on Breakfast Pack

“I struggled with my weight my entire life. Growing up, it took a huge emotional toll on my self-esteem and my social life. I never thought I could change. I never asked for help. I blamed my weight on my genetics. I realized I couldn’t go on like this when I started having health problems and hit my highest weight. I had to do something. But diets were quick fixes and only made me want to eat more. I hated exercising and avoided it at all costs.Read More

Diet VS. Nutrition


When we hear the word nutrition, we often think of healthy foods. But healthy foods are really part of the diet. Our cells can only benefit from good nutrition if the foods in the diet are broken down into building blocks small enough to absorb. To sum it up, diet is what we eat, but nutrition is what our cells and tissues actually receive. In fact, there are six stages that make up good nutrition.

Our Scientific Advisory Board understands this distinction well, which is why each NeoLife Nutritional was formulated to support one or more of these vital stages so cells may receive the balanced nutrition they need.Read More