April 2024 Applause

New Directors

New Directors


Congratulations to these Sapphire Directors; they just stepped up to World Team and are helping more people than ever, while increasing their income each month!


Christina Diamio, AB



Our exclusive Emerald Director recognition level rewards Directors who have maintained their title with 4,000 QPV for three consecutive months. Congratulations to the Directors below who consistently met these qualifications. They earned their new Emerald Director pin and are eligible for Car Bonuses of up to $1,000, and earned $300 USD!


Joey & Stephanie McNaughton, CA


Francis Arenas & Jesus Ibarra, CA

Erika & Emil Reister, TN

Fast Start Step Up Bonus Earners

Fast Start Step Up Bonus Earners

These New Promoters earned a Bonus for stepping up and personally sponsoring 3 starts in their first 3 months.

Norma Ayala, CA
Maria & Liliana Carrillo, CA
Louise Duke, GA
Kevin & Maria Figueroa, TX

Erin Garcia, OK
Ashley & Drew McDaniel, GA
Debra Polk, FL

New Executive Managers

New Executive Managers

Our Executive Manager level recognizes NeoLife’s rising leaders who have achieved 2,000 QPV in a month, and lock in a 15% or more Sales Volume Bonus for that month.

Peter Niro, CT
Debra Polk, FL
Julia Rose, FL

New Senior Managers

New Senior Managers

Our Senior Manager level recognizes NeoLife’s rising leaders who have achieved at least 1,000 QPV in a single month. Congratulations to the new Senior Managers below who are building their team, multiplying their bonuses, and are on their way to Director!

Norma Ayala, CA
Kamea Crowe, ON
Kevin & Maria Figueroa, TX
Erica Fitzpatrick, MA
Erin Garcia, OK

Peter Niro, CT
Velvet Parker, DE
Julia Rose, FL
Richard Salsbury, TN
Kathy & Teddy Wilmore, NC

New Managers

New Managers

Congratulations to NeoLife’s newest Managers! These rising leaders have achieved at least 500 QPV in a single month. They are on their way to becoming NeoLife’s next Senior Managers!

Michelle Barta, CO
Maria Elena Carrillo, CA
Julie Dillard, TN
Louise Duke, GA
Kevin & Maria Figueroa, TX
Randy & Pam Fultz, OR
Shari Goodman, ON
Dwight & Dottie Hargett, IN
Ashley & Drew McDaniel, GA
Peter Niro, CT
Kaleigh & Beau Nitzschke, IL

Laurie Peterson, TX
Bekah & Johnny Power, CA
Jermaine & Ashley Primus, TN
Kim & Mike Przybylowicz, SC
Tiffany Roberson, TN
Julia Rose, FL
Richard Salsbury, TN
Joseph Schultz, FL
Tailor-Marie Smith, OH
Tina Sorrow, TN

Top Sales Volume Bonus Earners

Top Sales Volume Bonus Earners

The top achievers named here represent the best of the best in NeoLife! Each is being recognized for an important and rewarding achievement. Top-of-the-Chart Bonus Earners – Everyone recognized here has reaped the rewards of the highest level of the NeoLife Sales Volume Bonus.

Lee & Susan Adams, SC
Maria & Sal Wuitron Aguilar, CA
Denis Kay & Debra Alldredge, UT
Patricia Altomare, FL
Martha Andrade & Sam Lara, CA
Francis Arenas & Jesus Ibarra, CA
Haleigh & Brian Badillo, VA
Jeanette Baigent, FL
Evelyn Battiste, LA
Roumel Beaubrun, GA
Tim & Shirlee Beck, CA
Stephanie Beckett & Hayley Smith, OR
Allan & Nicole Blain, TN
Marilee Blomberg, OR
Gabe & Mandy Booher, ID
Katheryn Booth, IN
Linda & Richard Burr, CA
The Byrd Team, NC
Rose & Vic Cadelina, CA
Dayna & Marshall Camp, TN
Debra Campbell, FL
Delmar & Dr Shirley Carmack, GA
Jen & Matt Case, TN
Vivian Chang & Cheryl Chang-Perez, HI
Jennifer Cheeseman, OH
Barbara Chichester, CA
Vandella Christie, FL
David & Courtney Clark, GA
Erika & Mary Clark, CA
Jonell & Dannice Clark, GA
Josh & Chelsey Clark, GA
Lawrence & Marjorie Clark, GA
Joseph & Jayde Cordes, ID
Jim Coyle, GA
John & Susan Crayton, GA
Stephen Derrington, MO
Christina Diamio, AB
Victoria Diaz & Alex Pelayo, CA
Dolores & Clarence Dixon, NY
Mike & Glenda Drake, CA
Shirley Eggert, Deborah & Rod Lowe, CA
Alvin Eicher, MO
Tony & Gina Ellis, WI
Lana Feagin, TX
Joanne & Kevin Frey, PA
Doug & Sandra Friesen, CA
Sheron & Heiner Fruehauf, OR
Mary Gathanga & Tom Gathanga, TX
Nick & Lena Gavrilov, TN
Martha Gonzalez, CA
Steve & Rorie Gower, CA
Audrey & Clint Green, ID
Kim & Kirk Green, GA
Ronald Greer & Roy Crayton, N.D., GA

Cyndy Hadley, ON
John & Sue Hamilton, VA
Emily Hangstefer, TN
Jim & Pat Hangstefer, TN
Daniel Hanson, OR
Leslie Hanson, OR
Martin & Barbara Hemmes, FL
Jan & Tom Hickey, ID
Susan Hines, TN
Randy & Janene Holmstead, UT
David Holsinger, TN
Don & Laurel Holsinger, TN
Cheryl Howe, TN
Joe & Emma Ivancic, ON
Steven & Araceli Jenkins, CA
Nelson & Erma Jess, IL
Chad & Jenise Johnson, OR
Dwight & Marilee Johnson, OR
Helen Jones 3 Generations Team, TN
Minda & Jeslie Junio, CA
Jack, Dale & Joy Kaiser, CA
Jerry & Patti Kinder, CA
Dakota & Josiah King, TN
David & Cabrini Knapp, ND
Natalie Krause, AZ
Vivian Kuhns, PA
Shelley & Gary Lozonne, CA
Gary & Linda Mailen, KS
Chrissy Mann, FL
Josephine Marangu, VA
Dan & Marie Markle, GA
Tom, Corinne & Chantelle Martens, CA
Jodie & Elizabeth Martin, TN
James McAfee, OR
Zane & Summer McCourtney, TX
Joey & Stephanie McNaughton, CA
Lane Meigs & Jeri Tovey, CA
Joel & Gabrielle Merritt, IN
Ivan & Laura Miller, MO
Mary & Noah Miller, MO
Lynn Mitanoff, ON
Fred & Frances Mizzell, GA
Marilyn Monroy & Steven Curil, CA
Jim & Arleen Morris, AZ
Ted, Merenna, Gregory & Pauline Morrow, CO
Les & Debbie Mullins, TX
Rogelio & Maria Muro, CA
Debra Musack, OR
Wesley & Kalelani Ogata, HI
Dr Ron Overberg, TX
Joe & Lynda Peacock, CA
Bob Pearson, OR
John & Donna Pearson, OR
Victor & Angela Pearson, OR
Robert & Barbara Pelascini, CA
Debbie & Bob Plouffe, CA

Mike & Marilyn Plumb, CA
Scott Plummer, UT
Darrin, Robert & Betty Poeppelman, OH
Winston & Joan Poon, ON
Flora & Richard Price, FL
Andrea, Roger & Katrina Rasmussen, CA
Mary Read & David Long, IN
Erika & Emil Reister, TN
Jamie Reynolds, OR
Mark & Rowena Richey, IA
Phillip & Anne Robbins, IL
Mary & Robert Rosser, MA
Senen Alberto & Maria Sanchez, CA
Harold Schmackers, Brian & Steph Frey, OH
Charlotte Shelton, TX
Frank & Hatti Shepard, CA
Shelley Sheridan, ON
Louis & La-Verne Smith, TX
Jerry & Eddie Snitker, NE
Richard & Linda Spaulding, CA
Luc St. Germain, ON
Nada & Gilles St Germain, ON
Cassie & Buz Stephens, FL
Jeff & Julie Stevens, TN
Jim & Diane Stevenson, AB
Mica & Bryan Stinnett, TN
Jamie & Matt Summers, IN
Shirley & Demetria Tatum, OH
Isabel & Maurice Tessier, WA
Duane & Betty Teuscher, TX
Bishop Mark & Emelda Tolbert, MO
Tammy Trapp, TX
Jacob & Emma Troyer, OH
Carol Van Hill, CA
Henry & Maryellen Vandenbrink, ON
Dean Vandenburgh, CA
Kyla & Adam Vanwingerden, KY
LaVonne & Richard Vaughan, FL
Kathryn & Elisha Voetberg, ID
Jacinth & Hubert Waldron, FL
Kenneth Wandira & Rachel Maina, MD
Cameron & Hannah Wedel, WA
Claudia Wellness & Jesus Guzman, CA
Melanie & Robert Whitcomb, CA
Lisa Whitman, IN
David & Marcie Williams, CA
Carol & Jamie Wilson, OR
Cheryl Wilson, AL
Kent & Linda Wilson, CO
Marlena & Carl Wilson, GA
Faron & Roselyn Wingard, GA
Ernest & Ellen Yoder, GA
Stanley & Jovon Yoder, GA

3 in 30 Recognition

3 in 30 Recognition

These promoters have earned $10 in Free Product Dollars for every 3 in 30.

Roumel Beaubrun, GA
Jen & Matt Case, TN
Erika & Mary Clark, CA
Joseph & Jayde Cordes, ID
Meighan Coulter, ON
Kamea Crowe, ON
Fred Franke, LA
Erin Garcia, OK
Martha Gonzalez, CA
Jim & Pat Hangstefer, TN

Daniel Hanson, OR
Don & Laurel Holsinger, TN
Becky Inman, TX
Katria Jackson, TN
Kelsey Johnson, OR
Mike & Shawn King, ON
Heather LeCraw, ON
Bob Pearson, OR
Debbie & Bob Plouffe, CA
Debra Polk, FL

Winston & Joan Poon, ON
Erika & Emil Reister, TN
Louis & La-Verne Smith, TX
Candace Stephenson, IN
Nada & Gilles St Germain, ON
Claudia Wellness & Jesus Guzman, CA
Tiffany Whiddon, MS
Lisa Whitman, IN

2024 International Incentives

2024 International Incentives


These New Directors will receive $200 in NeoLife products & a Car Decal when completing a second Qualified Director month (4,000 QPV) within the next six months after their New Director qualification.

Francis Arenas & Jesus Ibarra, CA
Ratko Karleusa, MN
Erika & Emil Reister, TN
Vilmante Runnels, IL



These New Emerald Directors have Stepped Up to this title for the first time by achieving Qualified Director 3 months in a row. They have earned the $300 Emerald Director Step Up Bonus.

Joey & Stephanie McNaughton, CA

Car Bonus Earners

Car Bonus Earners

Lee & Susan Adams, SC
Maria & Sal Wuitron Aguilar, CA
Evelyn Battiste, LA
Roumel Beaubrun, GA
Stephanie Beckett & Hayley Smith, OR
Allan & Nicole Blain, TN
The Byrd Team, NC
Delmar & Dr Shirley Carmack, GA
Jennifer Cheeseman, OH
Barbara Chichester, CA
Josh & Chelsey Clark, GA
Lawrence & Marjorie Clark, GA
Stephen Derrington, MO
Mike & Glenda Drake, CA
Doug & Sandra Friesen, CA
Nick & Lena Gavrilov, TN
Martha Gonzalez, CA
Cyndy Hadley, ON

Jim & Pat Hangstefer, TN
Daniel Hanson, OR
Don & Laurel Holsinger, TN
Steven & Araceli Jenkins, CA
Chad & Jenise Johnson, OR
Dwight & Marilee Johnson, OR
Helen Jones 3 Generations Team, TN
Jerry & Patti Kinder, CA
Natalie Krause, AZ
Gary & Linda Mailen, KS
Dan & Marie Markle, GA
Tom, Corinne & Chantelle Martens, CA
James McAfee, OR
Zane & Summer McCourtney, TX
Joel & Gabrielle Merritt, IN
Jim & Arleen Morris, AZ
Ted, Merenna, Gregory & Pauline Morrow, CO

Dr Ron Overberg, TX
Bob Pearson, OR
Debbie & Bob Plouffe, CA
Mike & Marilyn Plumb, CA
Winston & Joan Poon, ON
Senen Alberto & Maria Sanchez, CA
Charlotte Shelton, TX
Louis & La-Verne Smith, TX
Nada & Gilles St Germain, ON
Cassie & Buz Stephens, FL
Mica & Bryan Stinnett, TN
Henry & Maryellen Vandenbrink, ON
Kyla & Adam Vanwingerden, KY
LaVonne & Richard Vaughan, FL
Kathryn & Elisha Voetberg, ID
Jacinth & Hubert Waldron, FL
Cameron & Hannah Wedel, WA
Claudia Wellness & Jesus Guzman, CA
Melanie & Robert Whitcomb, CA
Lisa Whitman, IN
David & Marcie Williams, CA
Carol & Jamie Wilson, OR
Kent & Linda Wilson, CO