90-Day Winner: Linda Wilson

linda_wilsonLinda Wilson
Lost Over 15% Body Fat using Breakfast Pack

What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?
I struggled with weight my entire life. No matter how much I exercised and watched what I ate, I could not lose weight, so I just gave up. Then I had a major health challenge with my shoulders that caused me to not be able to lift my hands above my waist without excruciating pain, nor could I even hold a one-pound weight. I started some alternative health options and began working out with a trainer to regain muscle strength. As I regained strength and built muscle, I also added weight loss to the equation, and joined the Challenge for accountability and encouragement.

What was your 90-Day goal?
My initial overall goal was 140 pounds, which I broke out into 5 pound increments – each time I met a 5 pound weight loss goal, my next goal was another 5 pounds. When I hit 140, I just kept going, making 130 my ultimate goal. I just kept going, and now am at 118.

How did your Health Pack help you to achieve your goal?
I am more fit than I have ever been in my life, and look forward to a long, healthy life. I like who I am and have the energy and confidence to tackle whatever God sets before me. NeoLifeShake and Pro Vitality in the Breakfast Pack gave me the energy I needed each day. Now that I’ve exceeded my weight loss goals, I’ve now switched to NeoLife SPORT Performance Protein as my goals are to build muscle. NeoLifeBar gave me that extra boost I needed between meals, and when my schedule was crazy busy.

linda_wilson2How has the Challenge positively impacted your life?
It helped keep me focused on my goal. I knew the Challenge team was cheering me on and were expecting pictures and my weight and body fat numbers every month. When I would have a rough day, I knew there were other people out there doing what I was doing and, if they could do it, so could I. Also, my trainer was totally on board with it. He was a great encourager and accountability partner.

What is one tip you would give to someone new to the Challenge?
Set small incremental, achievable goals. Don’t do it alone! Get a couple of people to be accountability partners. Better yet, find someone to do this with you. Having my husband also in the Challenge was a great help as we encouraged and supported each other. Take it one day at a time. You can do this!!!

Learn how you can join the Challenge to be your best and win at neolife.com/challenge.



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†Results are not typical. In an open label clinical study participants lost an average of 5.27 lbs. over a 12 week period.

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