2018 Challenge Champion, Linda Wilson Lost 75 Pounds†

linda_wilson3Each year at Convention, we crown 4 of our most inspiring Challenge Champions on stage. These NeoLifers took their health and fitness to the next level and won the ultimate VIP experience. This year’s Champions got to partake and show off their amazing results in Seattle at our 60th year celebration. Check out Linda’s transformation:

“My journey has been long and difficult. As a child, I was sexually abused. I thought if I gain weight, they will leave me alone but this spun into emotional abuse. Then once I was married, I had 5 miscarriages before having our 3 children. This weighed on me physically and mentally for years. More recently, I developed a major health challenge a couple years back where I couldn’t lift my arms above my waist without excruciating pain. As I searched for alternative health options, my mobility was limited and I gained back all the weight I had lost previously. Once I found natural relief for the pain, I began working out with a trainer and started with the Breakfast Pack. at my first session, my trainer handed me a 5 lb weight. I immediately dropped it. He handed me a 3 lb weight, which I immediately dropped. I was only able to hold a 1 lb weight for about 30 seconds before dropping it. Now I regularly use 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20, and even 22 lb weights. I’ve now switched to the SPORT Pack, and several others like Glucose Balance and Lecithin. I’ve lost 75 lbs, 22% body fat and gone from wearing a 2XL to a Small Petite. I’ve reached my goals of weight loss and gaining core strength and overall muscle tone.* I’ve also exceeded my goal of learning to like myself—physically and emotionally.

Today I can say that I love who I am—every aspect of me. God has transformed me from the inside out. Plus, everyone who knows me has commented, most asking what I am doing, thus opening the door for me to share how it is a lifestyle change, and giving me the opportunity to share NeoLife with them. My goal is to develop one new director by the end of this year, and subsequently, one new director each year.”

Linda Wilson
Lost 75 lbs & 22% body fat using Breakfast Pack & Sport Pack


Get to Know Our Champions:
Jeff Birkholz lost 65 lbs
LaTasha Bond Williams lost 50 lbs
Barbara Mosley lost 90 lbs



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†Results are not typical. In an open label clinical study participants lost an average of 5.27 lbs. over a 12 week period.

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