5 Steps to Launch Your Business to the Next Level

Launch Your NeoLife Business: Lessons from the Moon Landing

Clear & Direct Goals

On May 25, 1961, President Kennedy stood before Congress and proclaimed that:

“this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.”

Was President Kennedy clear about his goal? Absolutely! There was no ambiguity. He set a precise objective with a definite timeline, which left no room for doubt or backing down. Imagine if he had said, “we’ll try our hand at space exploration and see if we can beat the Russians.” No one would have taken him seriously, and the dream would have died.

Kennedy went on to say:

“I believe we possess all the resources and talents necessary. But the facts of the matter are that we have never made the national decisions or marshaled the national resources required for such leadership. We have never specified long-range goals on an urgent time schedule, or managed our resources and our time so as to ensure their fulfillment.”

His words hold the keys to unlocking our human potential and achieving the seemingly impossible. Let’s unpack these words that inspired a nation to believe they could accomplish what had never before been achieved in recorded history, and then imagine this: actually do it!

Believe You Can

“I believe we possess all the resources and talents necessary…”

These words apply not only to America as a nation but to each of us individually. We possess all the talents and skills necessary to achieve unprecedented greatness. The question is, do we have the faith to believe it’s possible? Yes, we’ve failed before, but our failures serve as stepping stones to prepare us for even greater success. However, too often we allow failures to hold us back. Leave failures in the past. Today is a brand-new day full of endless possibilities!

Publicly Declare It

“But the facts of the matter are that we have never made the national decisions….”

Most of us have never publicly and boldly stated our unequivocal decision to pursue a big, bold, scary goal. When we have the audacity to quit playing it safe and publicly state our decision to pursue a course of action, even at great risk, we inspire others toward a shared vision. Are you ready to step up and boldly announce your commitment to take the next step to achieve your goals and dreams and in turn inspire your team to achieve theirs?

Follow Through, Invest Resources

“…or marshaled the national resources required for such leadership.”

Have we followed through with our goal and assembled the resources necessary to actually achieve them, even if it means great financial and/or time sacrifice? Talk is cheap. Investing the resources necessary to accomplish our goals proves our commitment to those around us. Is it fair to ask others to follow us if we’re not willing to boldly invest in the resources and training necessary to achieve our goals? Too often as Promoters, it’s easy to state our goals, but do we make the investment in a Business Kit that provides the resources for sample packets, Shake & Learns, and Spa Hours? Have we invested in our business and personal development by registering for Impact Summit and in turn leading our team by example?

Long-Term Plan, Immediate Action Steps

“We have never specified long-range goals on an urgent time schedule…”

It’s one thing to throw out wishes like, “I want to build a big successful business,” but have we set long-range goals and broken them down into individual milestones with an urgent timetable? It’s time we sat down and asked ourselves where we want to be in five or even ten years and then break these bigger goals down into smaller steps with an urgent timeline. A great place to begin is by filling out the Commit to Success Form, which provides a simple blueprint with action steps to achieve your goals.

Engage! Accountability

“…or managed our resources and our time so as to ensure their fulfillment.”

As entrepreneurs or independent business owners, the hardest resource to manage is often our own time. Asking for accountability isn’t a sign of weakness but rather great strength! The most successful athletes and business people have teams and coaches around them to help bring out their very best. Life is too short and your dreams far too important to stumble around and do things half-baked. Through the years, I’ve seen countless entrepreneurs with tons of talent and ambition give up on their dreams simply because they didn’t have the built-in accountability inherent with every job. To answer this challenge, we put together 90 Day Success Teams with a weekly Success Tracker to provide the inspiration and support necessary to reach your goals – join a Success Team!

Your Legacy Awaits

What do you want your legacy to be? What do you want your friends, family, children, and grandchildren to say about you? More importantly, what do you want to be able to say about yourself, as you sit in your rocking chair with the sun truly setting for the last time? Do you want to feel the satisfaction of knowing you took risks, dared to do great things, and impacted people in a way that lives far beyond your own existence? The choice is yours! Will you travel the easy road or dare to publicly set big goals and manage your resources in such a way as to ensure their fulfillment?

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