Team Adventures in South Africa

NeoLife Team Adventures in South Africa

sa_eagleteamWhat do you do once you’ve become a prestigious 1 Diamond Director?

Well, if you ask President’s Team members, Louis & La-Verne Smith, they’d answer; “Take your team to Africa.” And that’s just what they did! We recently got to speak with Louis about their unforgettable 3-week adventure with 20 of their Eagle team members to South Africa.

Interviewer: What was your motivation behind taking your Eagle team on this adventure?
Louis: My lovely wife, La-Verne and I looked at it as a way to challenge our team and also as an amazing opportunity for team building. As we have an international business, we were able to have Distributors from England, and Africa join us as well. So it was 3 countries coming together—it was fantastic!

Interviewer: What made you pick South Africa as the destination?
Louis: That’s originally where we’re from and over the past few years, our team has been asking questions about Africa and what it’s like. Knowing that, we wanted them to experience it first-hand; so I decided to make this an incentive challenge to everyone on my team. Anyone who remained qualified during the time period I gave, would earn a trip to South Africa! We even gave them a 2-month exception window to be unqualified should they need it. We just wanted as many people from or team to experience this!


Interviewer: That’s awesome. Can you tell us a little about how 20 Eagle team members were able to join you?
Louis: Yes, NeoLife is an opportunity for self-employment without the stress and headaches that come with a normal job. Along with being your own boss, and building a residual income, you get what I call “flexi time”, where you get to do what you want on your time.

Interviewer: What are some highlights of your South Africa adventure?
Louis: Our team has been dreaming about seeing elephants so La-Verne and I took them to Kruger National Park, one of Africa’s largest game reserves. We could even see the wild animals straight from all our rooms at the resort! We saw everything from lions, leopards, rhinos, buffalos, eagles, and elephants! We also traveled to the Wild Coast, which is known as a natural treasure. In addition to spectacular views we got to watch performances from the locals where they sang and danced for us. Then we went up to the Indian Ocean and St. Lucia where we saw hippos and crocodiles. Then up through Swaziland to visit game reserves. And you know, it wouldn’t be a NeoLife team adventure without a stop at the NeoLife Offices!


Interviewer: What excites you most about your future with NeoLife?
Louis: I’m excited knowing that I’m making a difference in peoples lives so they can own themselves; what I mean by this is that these people can have personal freedom and not have to work for a boss. I can empower families to own themselves, be financially free, not have to request time off of work for a family vacation, and to be financially self-reliant! Not to mention improving their physical health through the products, but also their spiritual health through fellowship and just loving on others. I want to leave a legacy knowing that I gave every family I came across a choice to live healthier.

For any entrepreneurs out there who have a passion for sharing good health… NeoLife is redefining the world of startups. Put simply, it’s like a tech start-up, but with nutrition. There are low barriers to entry because NeoLife provides the infrastructure that any successful business needs, as well as consumable products, and a compensation plan. So instead of having to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to get started, it makes entrepreneurship accessible to everyone. You can own your own NeoLife business and it can be passed down as an income-generating asset to future generations.

*Please see Statement of Average Gross Compensation in your NeoLife Back Office > Tools > Business > Promoter Claims Guide