A Super Mom’s Journey: Reclaiming Health and Wellness

A Super Mom's Journey: Reclaiming Health and Wellness

Christina’s 30-Day Transformation

This Super Mom proves that by giving your body superior quality whole food nutrition you CAN get your pre-baby body back. We’re especially proud to share Christina’s 30 day health transformation this Mother’s Day weekend; not just because she strives to be the best version of herself – but also because she gives the best nutrition to her baby boy so he can too experience a better way of life.

“Like most moms, I’ve had weight issues after having children. Two years after giving birth to my son, I lost 10 kgs. but that postpartum belly still wouldn’t go away! I thought it is was part of my trademark as being a mother.

One day, I stumbled across pictures of NeoLife mothers, who looked sexy and vibrant. This inspired me again to reach my health goals but like other moms, being consistent with my workouts and preparing healthy dishes was a struggle for me as a mom and nurse who works shift schedules. Plus, there were also times that I woke up feeling so tired. And a few months earlier, I started to feel pain in my lower back possibly due to the physical demand of my work. That is when I decided to really do something about it – and joined the 30-Day Be Your Best Challenge.

After 3 weeks on the Breakfast Pack, I felt lighter and have extra energy to do my workouts – even after work. Cardio and strength training workouts have helped alleviate my lower back pain which has increased my performance at work. I was even surprised to drop 2 inches off my waistline! This is the smallest size I’ve been since graduating college and after giving birth to my 3 year old son. I can’t believe that I have a chance to lose my postpartum belly!*

Speaking of being a mother…back in early 2014, my son who was 5 months old, was having skin issues. As a parent, I diligently followed up with his pediatrician who advised us to use corticosteroid topical ointment, hypoallergenic soap, special oils and soft cotton clothing. This worked..for a week or two – but it always came back. Even worst, he starting getting an irritation on his left cheek.

My heart would just break every time I saw my son crying trying to scratch his skin, having sleepless night and suffering irritability. I told myself, there could be other solutions than the temporarily relief from steroid ointment. Then a family friend and doctor introduced to us the NeoLife Omega-3 Liquid, Vita-Squares and Vita-Gard. Without a second thought we tried it and to our surprise, his skin looked better three weeks later. To cut the story short, months later everything cleared out. I learned that it’s the inflammation-balancing effect of omega 3’s that supported my son’s skin health. From then ‘till now he is free of skin problems and more active and healthy. To be honest, he is the one requesting for his vitamins and his NouriShake. He really loves NeoLife!*

“On this special day, I salute all mothers – working full-time or part-time, married or single moms, and mothers to be, who selflessly devote all their energy, time, effort and dreams for their kids.

– Christina Otanes

For any entrepreneurs out there who have a passion for sharing good health… NeoLife is redefining the world of startups. Put simply, it’s like a tech start-up, but with nutrition. There are low barriers to entry because NeoLife provides the infrastructure that any successful business needs, as well as consumable products, and a compensation plan. So instead of having to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to get started, it makes entrepreneurship accessible to everyone. You can own your own NeoLife business and it can be passed down as an income-generating asset to future generations.
