Super Charge Your Diet

By Dr. Liz Applegate,
Scientific Advisory Board member

“What you see is what you get.” Right? Well, not exactly when it comes to eating a healthful plate of food like veggies and lean protein or swallowing down some key dietary supplements. What you “see” isn’t what your body necessarily gets!! Fifty plus different nutrients and hundreds of protective compounds enter our body through the foods we eat. But there’s a catch. What and how much enters our body’s circulation and then cells depend upon the efficiency of our body’s digestive tract. Also, a host of other factors including our gut microbiome’s health and composition (types and variety of resident bacteria), and the presence or absence of “assistors” impact the digestion and assimilation process.

Super charge your diet by simply boosting digestive efficiency along with optimizing the body’s ability to assimilate nutrients from foods and dietary supplements you eat.Read More

Vitamin D – The Universal Vitamin?

Or why are there so many researchers studying the sunshine vitamin?

Written by Dr. Shepherd

Over the last decades there have been over 400 articles reporting on research projects devoted to Vitamin D. Why such a number of research projects? It would appear from the list of reports that Vitamin D is being shown to be required for many other functions in the human body than was traditionally known. Why do we need Vitamin D and what are the consequences of its deficiency? To refresh our memories there are several reviews which describe why we need Vitamin D and its sources and the results of its deficiencies. Read More

Mighty Muscle and Magnesium

mighty_muscle_magnesiumYour body systems consist of bones, organs, tissues, trillions of cells (both yours and microbial cells) and of course muscles—you name it! Each plays a unique role in how our body functions. Our muscles work in different ways and although it seems simple to raise your legs or flex your arms, the mechanics of these bodily processes can be complex and are heavily dependent on foods as an energy or fuel source and the quality of the nutrients that foods contain! Many minerals play a key role in regulating our bodily processes, such as the act of muscle contraction and relaxation. The major minerals of muscle contraction and relaxation are sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Magnesium is a mineral that plays a role in over 700 reactions within our body.1 Magnesium is essential from head to toe, being particularly important for energy production and for regulating the muscular, skeletal, and cardiovascular systems and immune and hormonal function.1 Our muscles are in fact very rich in magnesium—a massive 25 to 30% of total body magnesium is in the muscle (and around 50 to 60% is stored in the bone).1 With this in mind, think about the muscles in your body. There are skeletal muscles visible in your arms and legs as they are attached to bones, but there are two other muscle types—smooth muscle within internal organs, and then cardiac muscle is found within the walls of the heart.2 With over 600 muscles in the body,2 you can imagine the large role that magnesium has in our muscular system.Read More