Prebiotics: What You Should know

Written by Dr. Masís In a previous blog about probiotics, we discussed the top things you need to do about these special microbes (or tiny forms of life such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi) that thrive in different parts of your body, particularly in your gut! To recap, probiotics are microbes that help support your […]

NeoLife Resp-X Ingredients: Synergistic Blend of 10 Powerful Herbs

Resp-X is developed by world-class scientists and master herbalists. It delivers a synergistic blend of ten powerful herbs that have a long history of safe and effective use, without the side effects associated with chemical drugs. This powerful blend combines ancient herbal knowledge and leading edge science to support free, comfortable breathing and upper respiratory […]

Growing At Your Best With Omega-3

As a new parent, making sure your newborn is getting the right nutrition is bound to be a priority—and that’s normal! Proper early stage nutrition is key to establishing a healthful pathway for your child. Omega-3s are essential for so many aspects of early growth and development, particularly for the brain, the eyes and the […]

Vitamin D – The Universal Vitamin?

Or why are there so many researchers studying the sunshine vitamin? Written by Dr. Shepherd Over the last decades there have been over 400 articles reporting on research projects devoted to Vitamin D. Why such a number of research projects? It would appear from the list of reports that Vitamin D is being shown to be […]

NeoLife Athlete Spotlight: Burger Odendaal

At the height of the busy rugby season, Burger Odendaal made time to talk to NeoLife and tell us the amazing things that NeoLife is doing for him. Originally from Krugersdorp on the West Rand, the now Pretoria-based Burger climbed the ladder from playing against the “bulletjies” (little bulls) in the schools’ junior rugby leagues […]