Nutrition & Mental Health: How Nutrition Affects Mood

how food affects mood

By Dr. Arianna Carughi Scientific Advisory Board Member Discover how nutrition directly affects our mental and emotional well-being, our responses to stressors, and how we manage stress. Learn about the crucial role of nutrition in influencing stress levels and mood through various mechanisms.

Eat a Rainbow: Why it matters & How to supplement the gaps

By Dr. Diane E. Clayton SAB Member Why does Fruit and Vegetable Intake Matter? There is overwhelming evidence that higher fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption is associated with lower incidence of chronic diseases.1,2 One of today’s biggest focus areas in nutritional research is to explain the reasons why fruit and vegetable intake has such a […]

NeoLife’s Golden Home Care: Leading the Way in Clean Ingredient Selection

By Mark Lowman, Scientific Advisory Board member A wise frog once lamented that it is not easy being green. Taken in the context of home care products, he could be right if being green is not part of a company’s philosophy – the way the company conducts itself with careful consideration for the environment and […]

Super Charge Your Diet

By Dr. Liz Applegate, Scientific Advisory Board member “What you see is what you get.” Right? Well, not exactly when it comes to eating a healthful plate of food like veggies and lean protein or swallowing down some key dietary supplements. What you “see” isn’t what your body necessarily gets!! Fifty plus different nutrients and […]

The 7 Biggest Challenges to Your Heart Health

By John Miller SAB Director, Product Technologist, Researcher The 7 biggest challenges to your heart health and what you can, or can’t, do about them. When I heard that my requested topic for this first NeoLife Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) blog of 2023 was “Heart Health” I was excited. But then I realized the scope […]