Elements of the Ideal Business

By Allan Blain 4 Ruby Director What would your perfect business be? I personally have 20 components of an ideal business. There is no other business I know of, besides NeoLife, that meets all 20. Three years ago, I decided to build a part-time NeoLife business. My full-time career was being the CEO of a […]

1-Year Challenge Champions, Jason & Julie Bowling

1-Year Challenge Champions Jason & Julie Bowling Rookies of the Year “Before NeoLife, I was a typical Mama, who didn’t have enough energy to keep up with our 4 kiddos, Jason, and all life brought with it. And as our children had been starting school and getting older, I had been thinking about part time jobs, to […]

Five Reasons to be a Promoter

We’re sharing 5 Reasons to be a NeoLife Promoter! We know you Promoters already know these…now you you have a simple way to share them with your friends! And we hope our Club Members are inspired to unlock a better way of life by upgrading to Promoter!