4 Tips for a Healthy, Happy Thanksgiving!

We’ll be the first to admit that the holidays are the toughest time of the year to stick to your health and fitness goals. And Thanksgiving marks the very beginning of the holiday season. That’s why we’ve put together 4 tips for a healthy, happy Thanksgiving so you can finally enjoy the holiday season while staying on track to hit your Challenge goals!Read More

How to Choose the Right Sports Protein Shake

When you’re leading an active lifestyle, getting the right balance of macro and micronutrients is absolutely critical. Intense exercise depletes your body of nutrients, energy, and protein, so replacing those nutrients is necessary to prevent deficiencies that can negatively impact health. Athletes and trainers alike know that peak nutrition status is an integral component of optimal sports performance and that high-quality nutrition can give you the competitive edge needed to train, perform, and recover. But with so many products out there, how do you choose the one that’s right for you?

Finally, the answers you’ve been looking for on how to pick the right sports protein!

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Meet Your 2016 Challenge Champions


Each year, 5 NeoLifers are crowned Challenge Champions. These NeoLifers took their health to the next level, inspired countless people across North America and experienced the ultimate VIP treatment in Anaheim, California. Hear their incredible stories describing how NeoLife has changed their lives for the best!

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Brittany Chewning’s Weight Loss Success

90-Day Weight Loss Challenge Winner
Brittany Chewning

Dropped 25 lbs. and 4 Pant Sizes!

1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?
I went to a shake party and was instantly hooked on NeoLife! I learned about the Challenge there and knew I had to enter. My motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge was to prove to myself that I can accomplish my long-time goal of losing weight. I had tried losing the weight multiple times using different diets and programs and nothing worked.Read More

This is Why We Love the Breakfast Pack

Rachel Ogg
Lost 26 lbs. on Breakfast Pack

“I struggled with my weight my entire life. Growing up, it took a huge emotional toll on my self-esteem and my social life. I never thought I could change. I never asked for help. I blamed my weight on my genetics. I realized I couldn’t go on like this when I started having health problems and hit my highest weight. I had to do something. But diets were quick fixes and only made me want to eat more. I hated exercising and avoided it at all costs.Read More

Thanksgiving Swaps!

thanksgiving_swaps_tnWith the holiday season around the corner, there’s no better time to start changing the way you think about food. With a little creativity and this handy guide, you can reinvent traditional holiday fare for a healthier you.Read More

Diet VS. Nutrition


When we hear the word nutrition, we often think of healthy foods. But healthy foods are really part of the diet. Our cells can only benefit from good nutrition if the foods in the diet are broken down into building blocks small enough to absorb. To sum it up, diet is what we eat, but nutrition is what our cells and tissues actually receive. In fact, there are six stages that make up good nutrition.

Our Scientific Advisory Board understands this distinction well, which is why each NeoLife Nutritional was formulated to support one or more of these vital stages so cells may receive the balanced nutrition they need.Read More