90-Day Challenge Winner: Tammy Holleman

Tammy Holleman Beat Half Marathon PR using SPORT Pack What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge? I have so much to be thankful for these days. My son was born in April 2017 and about 2-3 weeks post surgery I noticed I was starting to show signs of feeling occasionally blue. Add on […]

How Managing My Blood Sugar Levels Changed My Life

I joined NeoLife January 1978 when I was 26 years old, after reading about the company in a nutrition book and hunting it down. With a degree in Chemistry and trained to be a high school Chemistry teacher, I found the Chemistry of the body/Biochemistry fascinating! I knew this was an extra special company when […]

Top 10 Reasons to go to Convention

Come to the hottest event of the year, because it’s going to be tons of fun as NeoLife is headed to (Viva) Las Vegas! Hear from people just like you share their life-changing results, success tips from top achievers, world-class product and business training sessions and so much more. Join in on the excitement as […]

Founder’s Message: The Life and Principle of Passion

And the Pursuit of Extraordinary Achievement In the all-time best selling book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote “desire is the starting point of all achievement”. I think this is absolutely true. I also think that everyone who has lived a life of extraordinary achievement has experienced failure and been stronger as a result. […]