90-Day Challenge Winner: Tammy Holleman

Tammy Holleman Beat Half Marathon PR using SPORT Pack What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge? I have so much to be thankful for these days. My son was born in April 2017 and about 2-3 weeks post surgery I noticed I was starting to show signs of feeling occasionally blue. Add on […]

Kick Coffee to the Curb with NeoLife SPORT

“I lost a total of 12 lbs.† of fat while actually gaining muscle using the Sport Pack. I have never had so much non caffeinated energy in my life. I am so blown away by the NeoLife Sport Performance Protein. Im a huge fan! These products have not only changed my life for this short […]

Athlete Spotlight: Lisa Blackburn

ATHLETE SPOTLIGHT Lisa Blackburn, professional swimmer and NeoLife sponsored athlete shares how superior quality nutrition fuels her performance; giving her the ability to compete at the highest level – which in turn has lit her desire to become an Entrepreneur.

Train with NeoLife SPORT to Swim, Bike, Run

$1,000 Fitness Challenge Winner Danika Robson “I’m so proud of my first triathlon time at the Vancouver Triathlon where I finished 5th of 69 women with a time of 1:17:25.

Race You to the Podium

90-Day Fitness Challenge Winner Luke Clark 1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge? I entered the Challenge to tone up because I’ve never been satisfied with my body type. In the past I was either super skinny – 120 pounds at 6’1 or unhealthy overweight – 225 pounds at 6’3 and it wasn’t due […]