90-Day Challenge Winner, La Tasha Williams

90-Day Challenge Winner LaTasha Williams  Ran 200 miles & Lost 50 lbs.† using Vitality Pack What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge? My motivation for joining the Challenge was to help make running a more frequent habit, improve my cardio, continue to lose weight, and motivate others. I was a recovering work-a-holic that was temporarily […]

Luke’s Post Workout Supplement: NeoLife SPORT Performance Protein

90-Day Challenge Winner Luke Salsbury Gained Over 10 lbs. of Muscle What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge? My story is not uncommon, and that’s why it’s important. Our culture has a terrible habit of starting their lives energetic and mobile (myself included), but after the college age when most young adults are […]

Fit Couple Prove Nothing Compares to NeoLife

These inspiring 90-Day Challenge winners share their results using the Vitality Pack! “Given our professions of being a Family Medicine physician and a Fitness Trainer, we are always looking for ways to boost overall health. I started a boot camp 3 years ago, as my wife was completing her Family Medicine residency program.  It has now […]

6 Transformations That Will Blow You Away

Whether you want more natural energy, build lean muscle or to lose weight and keep it off, we’ve got the Health Pack just for you! Take a look at these 6 life-changing transformations ranging from gaining 10 lbs. muscle mass in just 30 days to losing 40 lbs.† It’s truly incredible to see what your body […]

90-Day Fitness Challenge Winner: Noah O’Daniel

What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?  My motivation for starting this Challenge was to see if NeoLife could help me reach the big goals I set and boost my overall fitness levels. I was shocked to win the 30-Day Challenge so I wanted to continue to push myself and see if I […]

Fit Couple Reveal Their Secret To Boosting Overall Health

“We are happy to have completed our 30-Day Challenge! It was a great additional accountability tool to help us accomplish our fitness goals. We both did well with our half marathon goal, in fact, exceeded the time goal by several minutes; mine by 13 minutes and Donnie by 9 minutes from his previous PR time. […]