Men’s Weight Loss Winner
Kent Wilson
Lost 50lbs!

1. What was your motivation for joining the Challenge?
I travel a lot for my work. Travel, less sleep, high stress all increase as I near end of quarter. It used to cause significant weight gain as I’d give up on doing what helped lose weight. If I went up 5lbs. I would give up. I joined the Challenge for additional accountability to continue doing the things I was doing to result in losing weight for greater health and energy!

2. What was your 90-Day goal?
My highest weight was 260lbs. I set a goal for 245, then 230, then 215. Now my goal is 200. I am currently at 209. That’s 50lbs. lighter than my heaviest weight. My personal trainer reminds me of how many bowling balls I used to carry around. Think about it, 50lbs. is five 10lbs. bowling balls I have much better health than I did before!

breakfast_pack23. How did your Health Pack help you achieve your goal?
I begin the day with a NeoLifeShake and then alternate NeoLifeBar and shakes throughout the day as the foundation of my weight loss plan. During travel, I use the shake packets and a Blender Bottle in the morning and the bars help me maintain a healthy energy while I may not be able to eat a regular meal. And unlike a regular meal, it helps keep me on my weight loss goals. Even in our quarterly business meetings where there are lots of unhealthy food choices, I drink lots of water and eat NeoLifeBar at breaks.

4. How has the Challenge positively impacted your life?
The NeoLife Challenge has been great in that it keeps me focused on reporting in monthly on my progress, not just in weight but with the 12 pictures in different poses. I’m encouraged seeing the progress. I’ve changed shorts from XXL to L. My shirts have gone from XXL to XL. Dress shirts now fit me much better since NeoLife products have taken a lot of weight off my stomach and abs. I have much more energy and vitality. I had difficulty moving quickly a year ago. I now regularly walk up stairs or escalators, often two stairs at a time.

5. What advice would you give to someone new to the Challenge?

Set small goals, you can always set another small goal once you obtain the first one. Share your goal with others. Get insight into the actions which will lead to your goals from NeoLife and health professionals. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Break the goal down into the actions that as you do them will lead to the goal (NeoLife Healthy Meal Plan, small portions, walking and/or working out x times a week, sleeping 7-8 hours a night, learning to handle stress more effectively). As you reach a goal celebrate the progress through the NeoLife Challenge pictures and your weight loss. Then keep going!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
† Results are not typical. In an open label clinical study participants lost an average of 5.27 lbs. over a 12 week period.