From a Size 3x to Medium


Christine Chipman
Lost 83 lbs. & over 30 inches!

What motivated you to join the Challenge?

I have always had weight issues for as long as I can remember and although I exercised, it was never enough to assist changes in my lifestyle as I always resorted back to wrong food choices. In 2014, I decided it was time to turn my health around. I realized it was time to put myself first.

Over a 2 year period, I lost 70 lbs., I felt great but needed something to really fuel my results. Around that time my friend, Maryellen, reached out to me about the Breakfast Pack. I liked the idea of accountability and the drive provided through the Challenge.Read More

Feeling Healthier at 43


Dropped 18 lbs.

“I lost 18 lbs.† and hit my target BMI of 25 using the Breakfast Pack! The 3 Day Detox was a satisfying, quick and safe kick start on my weight loss journey. I’m more physically active and love having my NeoLifeShake and Pro Vitality each morning. I’m so grateful for healthy snack choices like NeoLifeBar and love drinking NeoLifeTea for an extra boost of energy. I’m supper happy with my results! At 43, I feel healthier than I’ve ever been. Thank you NeoLife!”Read More

This is Why We Love the Breakfast Pack

Rachel Ogg
Lost 26 lbs. on Breakfast Pack

“I struggled with my weight my entire life. Growing up, it took a huge emotional toll on my self-esteem and my social life. I never thought I could change. I never asked for help. I blamed my weight on my genetics. I realized I couldn’t go on like this when I started having health problems and hit my highest weight. I had to do something. But diets were quick fixes and only made me want to eat more. I hated exercising and avoided it at all costs.Read More

Eat Up! Why Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of Day

mother_kitchenTurns out the popular phrase, ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ isn’t a myth after all. So eat up, your day depends on it!

But don’t take our word for it. Take a look at the stats below:

Daily breakfast eaters are…
» 34% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes
» 40% less likely to develop fat around the belly than those who don’tRead More

Listen To Your Gut

gut_healthThe popular phrase “listen to your gut” can apply to much more than intuition. Our gut health is actually connected to functions in the body like our immune and nervous systems, hormones, mood, weight, brain, energy, and heart. It decides which nutrients are absorbed and what toxins are eliminated. Read More

Cut Calories with 1 Simple Trick

Portrait of young happy smiling woman eating saladSuper-sized portions are everywhere – at restaurants, schools and in the grocery store aisles. This trend has certainly distorted the way most Americans view “normal” portions and contributed to the obesity epidemic (over two-thirds of the adult population in the U.S. is overweight or obese. scary, right?).

So whether your goal is to lose weight or simply to maintain, it’s important to control portion size and the calories you consume. In a recent study, researchers found a simple way to do just that.Read More

Our Favorite Gifts for Your Favorite People

basket_phytodefense_supercWhen shopping for loved ones it’s so easy to fall into the temptation to go for the unhealthy treats you know they’ll love. But will those chocolates, candies, cookies, and other devilishly delectable sweets really do them any good? Why not opt for delicious, yet much healthier alternatives that will bless them with better health. Here are a few ideas we put together to make it easy to give the gift of good health this holiday season:Read More

Spice Up Your Shake!

spice_shake_recipeIndulge in NeoLifeShake with a festive taste of fall! You and your family can enjoy a protein-packed shake that delivers all the taste without the guilt! Get in the holiday spirit and try this three festive recipes, today!Read More

Thanksgiving Swaps!

thanksgiving_swaps_tnWith the holiday season around the corner, there’s no better time to start changing the way you think about food. With a little creativity and this handy guide, you can reinvent traditional holiday fare for a healthier you.Read More

Strong to the Bone

strong_boneOsteoporosis and low bone mass are a major health issue for more than 50 million Americans. By 2020, half of all Americans over 50 years are projected to be at risk of osteoporosis-related fractures. Large percentages of Americans fail to meet the recommendations for optimal calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D intake. Emerging science shows that we need more than just calcium to optimize bone health. Learn why calcium, magnesium and vitamin D are required to be strong to the bone!Read More

The Unfiltered Truth

unfiltered_truth_imgCollege Students on NeoLifeTea

In the competitive workplace of today, college students all over the country are feeling the pressure to excel. Many resort to consuming large quanities of popular energy drinks, many of which may have dangerously high levels of questionable ingredients.

We put NeoLifeTea to the test in a recent survey conducted at Auburn University, where these hard working students tried our tea and told us what they thought. Here is a report of our findings, unfiltered and unbiased— the results may surprise you.Read More