The Latest on Resveratrol’s Blood Sugar Management Potential

girls_tre_picnicNew meta-analysis says that daily intake of resveratrol may improve glucose and insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes.
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition set out to quantitatively evaluate the effects of resveratrol on glucose control and insulin sensitivity.

Resveratrol is a polyphenol that has gained popularity because of its powerful health benefits. Resveratrol can be found in red wine and other antioxidant rich berries, and is even linked to the ‘French Paradox’ whereby the high-fat diet of the French has not led to a high incidence of heart disease and obesity because of a high level of wine consumption.Read More

A Must Read for Women of Any Age!

15671371_xlTo reduce your chances of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D) incorporate both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities into your routine! Aerobic exercise is physical activity that increases your breathing and heart rate- like power walking, jogging and swimming. Try resistance training and yoga as muscle-strengthening and conditioning activities to work your muscles.

A recent Harvard School of Public Health study found that muscle strengthening and conditioning activities are associated with a lower risk of T2D. The Harvard study followed nearly 100,000 women over eight years, and found that women who did more than 150 minutes a week of muscle strengthening or conditioning activity had a 40% lower risk of developing T2D than women who did no muscle work. In addition, women who did at least 150 minutes a week of aerobic exercise and 60 minutes a week of muscle-strengthening were a third as likely to develop T2D as inactive women.Read More

Diet VS. Nutrition


When we hear the word nutrition, we often think of healthy foods. But healthy foods are really part of the diet. Our cells can only benefit from good nutrition if the foods in the diet are broken down into building blocks small enough to absorb. To sum it up, diet is what we eat, but nutrition is what our cells and tissues actually receive. In fact, there are six stages that make up good nutrition.

Our Scientific Advisory Board understands this distinction well, which is why each NeoLife Nutritional was formulated to support one or more of these vital stages so cells may receive the balanced nutrition they need.Read More

Get Energy Without The Risk

neolife_tea_glassEver reached out for one of those seemingly ubiquitous energy drinks? There are dozens of them out there, and they seem to have become a staple especially with college students and clubbers. Sales of Energy Drinks skyrocketed to $9.7 Billion in the United States this year according to Symphony IRI data compiled by Bloomberg. Children and adults under 25 years provide most of that revenue. But consider this: in addition to the empty calories (some with over 50g of sugar!), many of them have caffeine and stimulant ingredients such as guarana, glucoronolactone and L- phenylalanine at dangerously high levels– often time combined in one product. Read More

What’s The Deal With Omega-3 and Fish Oil?

Anjana Srivastava, GNLD’s Executive Vice President, Product, Science & Technology, shares the benefits of Omega-3 and Fish Oil supplements. It is no surprise that they are the top selling nutritional supplement on the market! But, with so many on the market to choose from, how do you know you are choosing the right supplement? Watch this video to make sure you are choosing the right supplement for you and your family!

You Can’t Exercise Your Way Out of Poor Nutrition

A very important lesson I have learned is that you can’t exercise your way out of poor nutrition.


People often ask me why they aren’t reaching their fitness and weight loss goals even when sticking to a good workout routine. Before answering, I usually recommend he/she start keeping a journal of what they are eating and drinking along with exercise and show me in a week.

Not surprisingly, this journal tends to reveal a pattern of justifying unhealthy eating habits with a little exercise and not enough nutrition. In this case I can follow up with the answer of ‘you can’t exercise your way out of poor nutrition!’ and then go on to point out what that person needs to cut out and what they should add to their diet. It doesn’t matter how hard you push yourself in the gym if you are eating poorly at home.
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