Can Eating Whole Grains Help You Live Longer?

Whole grains are a key component of a healthy diet, providing a powerful punch of energy, fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and key lipids and sterols. It’s no wonder that health authorities and experts recommend that we try to get at least 3 servings of whole grains per day. But across the United States and many European countries, most people are eating less than 1 serving per day and missing out on all the benefits whole grains can provide.Read More

Children’s Nutrition: Do Your Kids Eat Enough Fruits & Veggies

With summer time fun in motion, and the kids out of school for vacation, keeping them healthy, happy and productive can be a lot of work! And let’s face it, raising kids and juggling life is no easy thing.

According to the USDA, children ages 4-18 need between 1 to 2 cups of fruit and 1 to 3 cups of vegetables daily. The good news is that the latest health survey shows kids are eating more fruits and vegetables, but the bad news is neither of those requirements is being met!Read More

Zinc – The Mighty Mineral for Men

With Father’s Day just around the corner, June is the perfect time to focus on men’s health.

One of the most important essential minerals and an especially critical nutrient for men is zinc. Now you’re probably thinking; what’s the big deal with zinc and why should men pay particular attention to it?Read More

Are You Tired Of Being Tired?

Are you tired of being tired, or feel like you’re constantly having an energy crisis? Do you struggle to get out of bed, or feel constantly drained? If so, you’re far from alone! Research by market analysts concluded that one in three of us admit we’re permanently worn out from just trying to keep up with modern life. In fact, so many of us feel tired all the time that doctors have even created an acronym—TATT (Tired all the Time) to jot down in their notes for when patients talk about being constantly tired!Read More

How to Rock this Father’s Day

This Dad
Lost 19 lbs. 

“It was time for a change, I needed the energy to keep up with my 6 year old son. So I dropped 19 lbs.† using the Breakfast Pack. I even fit into the same pants size I was wearing when I got married 20 years ago. I’m feeling amazing at 47 years old and able to keep up with the little ball of energy!”* – Dan CovelRead More

Attention All MEN…

Attention MEN…with statistics like these, we know you have needs!

Did you know?
-Heart Disease and Cancer are the two leading causes of death for men in the US.
-31.6% of men over the age of 20 have hypertension (high blood pressure).
-34.6% of men over the age of 20 are obese.Read More

5 Ways to Eat Clean

diet_mythsWHAT IS CLEAN EATING? It’s a lifestyle of eating food that’s minimally processed or in its most natural form—also known as whole food. Rich in naturally-occurring nutrients, whole foods have been the basis of the NeoLife philosophy since the company began back in 1958. Here are some ways that you can incorporate clean eating into your daily life.Read More

Hello Brain, Remember This!

remember_brainA recent study found that people who ate a diet of baked or broiled (not fried) fish had larger volumes in areas of the brain used for memory and cognition.1 The omega-3s in fish may be associated with improved brain health and function. Regular use of fish oil supplements, in particular, were associated with less cognitive decline in older adults, in a study conducted at Rhode Island Hospital.2Read More

Ladies, Looking for a Better Health Solution?

Warning to the men reading this—you may not want to know, but it’s great to be educated about women, so let’s get REAL!

By nature, there are some issues that primarily affect women that men never have to deal with—menstruation and PMS, pregnancy, lactation, postpartum depression and menopause, just to name a few! In addition, ladies need to be aware of their risks of osteoporosis because women are four times more likely than men to develop osteoporosis. Research from the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) shows that about half of women will break a bone due to osteoporosis, and the number of fractures in women is greater than the number of heart attacks, strokes, and cases of breast cancer combined!Read More