Corinne Dignum

90-Day Fitness Challenge Winner
Corinne Dignum

1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?
I first learned about NeoLife through a Neighbor who had invited my mother to a Shake Party and made me come for support. I was then motivated by NeoLife to look at myself and see where I could improve in my health to be my best. Now that my kids are getting older, I started to notice I was gaining weight around my mid section and I want to take better care of myself. I also wanted to engage my NeoLife business so by experiencing the Challenge first hand, I could tell others about it and motivate them to do the same.Read More

NeoLife SPORT Panel from Convention 2016

Do you consider yourself either an Athlete or an Active Person? If the answer is YES to either of these, then boy do we have something great in store for you! There’s a new SPORT in town—NeoLife SPORT.

Every year people spend tons of money in hopes of getting stronger, and more fit — however, the only proper way to approach sports performance is with superior whole food nutrition that not only feeds your body what it needs during your workout, but also works as hard as your workout.Read More

Founder’s Message: The Life and Principle of Passion

JerryAnd the Pursuit of Extraordinary Achievement

In the all-time best selling book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote “desire is the starting point of all achievement”. I think this is absolutely true. I also think that everyone who has lived a life of extraordinary achievement has experienced failure and been stronger as a result. But what is it that allows us to persevere when those failures seem insurmountable?Read More

Can Eating Whole Grains Help You Live Longer?

Whole grains are a key component of a healthy diet, providing a powerful punch of energy, fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and key lipids and sterols. It’s no wonder that health authorities and experts recommend that we try to get at least 3 servings of whole grains per day. But across the United States and many European countries, most people are eating less than 1 serving per day and missing out on all the benefits whole grains can provide.Read More

Chris Drops 120 Pounds and Wins Big

90-Day Weight Loss Challenge Winner
Chris Lott
Lost 120 lbs. in 10 months

1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?
I use to wake up and still feel just as tired as I did before I went too sleep. Small physical activities drained me to the point that I lost interest in leaving the house because of the amount of effort it took. I knew I didn’t want to live the rest of my life this way so I joined the Challenge to take control of my health. I had struggled with my weight since I was in middle school. Along the way I have tried several different weight loss plans but little to no success. I wanted to prove to myself that I could set a goal and accomplish it.Read More

Chase Gets Ripped

90-Day Fitness Challenge Winner
Chase Cochran

1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?
I received my motivation in three different ways! First off, after I completed the first 30-Day Challenge, I had such great results that I wanted to continue challenging myself. Besides, it takes longer than just 30 days for one to really become fit, or at least to my standards of fitness! Second, I won the 30-Day Fitness Challenge and that gave me even more motivation to go on for 90 days! Third, I noticed how my results were inspiring others and motivating them to start using NeoLife! I desire more opportunities to show people that NeoLife can help them “Be Your Best” just as it does for me!Read More

Brittany Chewning’s Weight Loss Success

90-Day Weight Loss Challenge Winner
Brittany Chewning

Dropped 25 lbs. and 4 Pant Sizes!

1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?
I went to a shake party and was instantly hooked on NeoLife! I learned about the Challenge there and knew I had to enter. My motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge was to prove to myself that I can accomplish my long-time goal of losing weight. I had tried losing the weight multiple times using different diets and programs and nothing worked.Read More

Major Muscle Gains

Josiah King
Gained 16 pounds of Muscle

Josiah hit his goal of gaining muscle and won $1,000 cash in the Be Your Best Fitness Challenge!

“After years of being skinny and having an incredibly hard time gaining muscle mass and weight, I have successfully gone from 137 lbs. (Dec. 1st, 2015) to 153 lbs. (March 1st, 2016). A 16 pound increase!

Read More

From a Size 3x to Medium


Christine Chipman
Lost 83 lbs. & over 30 inches!

What motivated you to join the Challenge?

I have always had weight issues for as long as I can remember and although I exercised, it was never enough to assist changes in my lifestyle as I always resorted back to wrong food choices. In 2014, I decided it was time to turn my health around. I realized it was time to put myself first.

Over a 2 year period, I lost 70 lbs., I felt great but needed something to really fuel my results. Around that time my friend, Maryellen, reached out to me about the Breakfast Pack. I liked the idea of accountability and the drive provided through the Challenge.Read More