30 Pounds Down and 27 Minutes Faster

Men’s 90-Day Fitness Challenge Winner
Daniel Aguirre

1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?
Before I began the Challenge, before even NeoLife, I was always tired, unmotivated and didn’t care too much about my health. But after I accepted the challenge, I began to be more inspired and encouraged to take care of my health. After the first week, I slowly began to feel a difference in my energy and there was more pep to my step. Then as I continued the Weight Loss Challenge, I began losing weight.Read More

Athletes, Are You Getting The Right Nutrients?

vitamins_sportVitamins and minerals play many roles in an athlete’s body including energy production and the maintenance of tissues, bone, and immune function. Exercise stresses many of the biochemical pathways where micronutrients are required, increasing the turnover and loss of these nutrients. Thus athletes may have greater requirements for these micronutrients in order to adequately build and repair muscles and maintain normal physiological function. Discover some of the most common nutrients athletes are lacking: calcium, vitamin D, B vitamins, iron, zinc, chromium and magnesium.1Read More

NeoLife Powered Ballerina Performs Across Europe

Deborah Meis
Professional Ballerina
Ballet Magnificat! Company

Deborah Meis recently returned from an incredible 6 ½ week European tour with her professional ballet company, where they performed 24 times in 19 cities across Italy, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Serbia, and Austria.

Physically and mentally Deborah felt great thanks to Pro Vitality, NeoLifeShake, and Vitamin C. “My body stayed strong and I had so much energy,” says Meis.Read More

How to Choose the Right Sports Protein Shake

When you’re leading an active lifestyle, getting the right balance of macro and micronutrients is absolutely critical. Intense exercise depletes your body of nutrients, energy, and protein, so replacing those nutrients is necessary to prevent deficiencies that can negatively impact health. Athletes and trainers alike know that peak nutrition status is an integral component of optimal sports performance and that high-quality nutrition can give you the competitive edge needed to train, perform, and recover. But with so many products out there, how do you choose the one that’s right for you?

Finally, the answers you’ve been looking for on how to pick the right sports protein!

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Women’s Fitness Challenge Champion – Aced the Race!

Women’s Fitness Challenge Champion
Katrina Ream

“I started to gain weight in my 20’s and continued to struggle as the years passed which began to affect my relationships. I didn’t feel like myself, but I’d lost all motivation to improve. I finally began my weight loss journey with NeoLife so my daughter could grow up with the same foundation of good health I had, being a third generation NeoLifer.Read More

Corinne Dignum

90-Day Fitness Challenge Winner
Corinne Dignum

1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?
I first learned about NeoLife through a Neighbor who had invited my mother to a Shake Party and made me come for support. I was then motivated by NeoLife to look at myself and see where I could improve in my health to be my best. Now that my kids are getting older, I started to notice I was gaining weight around my mid section and I want to take better care of myself. I also wanted to engage my NeoLife business so by experiencing the Challenge first hand, I could tell others about it and motivate them to do the same.Read More

Chase Gets Ripped

90-Day Fitness Challenge Winner
Chase Cochran

1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?
I received my motivation in three different ways! First off, after I completed the first 30-Day Challenge, I had such great results that I wanted to continue challenging myself. Besides, it takes longer than just 30 days for one to really become fit, or at least to my standards of fitness! Second, I won the 30-Day Fitness Challenge and that gave me even more motivation to go on for 90 days! Third, I noticed how my results were inspiring others and motivating them to start using NeoLife! I desire more opportunities to show people that NeoLife can help them “Be Your Best” just as it does for me!Read More

Major Muscle Gains

Josiah King
Gained 16 pounds of Muscle

Josiah hit his goal of gaining muscle and won $1,000 cash in the Be Your Best Fitness Challenge!

“After years of being skinny and having an incredibly hard time gaining muscle mass and weight, I have successfully gone from 137 lbs. (Dec. 1st, 2015) to 153 lbs. (March 1st, 2016). A 16 pound increase!

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William Mihalski: Full Speed Ahead

My name is William Mihalski.  I am happily married to my wife Bridgett and we have 8 beautiful children.  The day before Thanksgiving, November 25, 2015, I was out in the woods with six of my children cutting wood when the chainsaw twisted on me as I was cutting through a small stick that my daughter was holding.  The chainsaw went into my leg, just a bit above the ankle bone.  I missed the artery, main nerve, and the bone (thanks be to God!), but I hit two of my tendons.  Although not completely severed, the tendons were cut and “chewed up” by the teeth on the chainsaw.  My children got me back to the house, where I was put into the car and rushed to the emergency room.Read More

Brent Blain

90-Day Fitness Challenge Winner
Brent Blain
Completed Ironman in 10:43!

1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?
I completed the 30 Day Weight Loss and Fitness Challenge and just figured, why not go for the 90 day?! I was already signed up for an Ironman that fit right into this schedule and this was some much needed motivation to keep plugging away!Read More